Project Experience

Urban Planning, Development Policy & Economic Strategies
Rental Housing Strategies, Metro Vancouver,BC

Coriolis was selected by a group of cooperating agencies, including Metro Vancouver, TransLink, BC Housing, and Van City Credit Union to identify strategies to increase the amount of new rental housing constructed in locations with high transit service. The study identifies the market and financial barriers that are limiting the amount of rental construction and explores the potential to address these barriers with zoning, cost reduction, creative financing, and other levers.

Inputs to Density Policy, Burlington ON

The City of Burlington, Ontario is experiencing an increase in market interest in redevelopment to create new higher density residential projects, in part because of strong housing price growth in the GTA. The City asked Coriolis to help it increase its capability in analyzing how much new density is needed to make redevelopment financially viable and in using provincial legislation to obtain public benefits that address the needs and impacts of new development.

False Creek Flats, Vancouver BC

Coriolis is working with the Vancouver Economic Commission to help plan the future of the False Creek Flats area.  This largely industrial area is home to the new Emily Carr University of Art and Design and the proposed replacement for St. Paul’s Hospital, as well as the location of a wide range of technology, food, transportation, and other companies.  The purpose of the project is to explore the potential for the area to become a more diverse, dense, and sustainable employment precinct while continuing to accommodate rail, warehouse, and other industrial uses.

Transit Corridor Planning, Calgary AB

Coriolis is on the team selected for planning the proposed new north rapid transit line in Calgary. Our role includes analysis of urban development opportunities at proposed new station locations.

Transit Corridor Planning, London Ontario

Coriolis is assisting the City of London in urban development planning at station locations along proposed new light rail transit corridors, as part of a new city-wide plan. Our role includes advising on uses and development densities, as well as forecasting the likely pace of development at selected nodes.

LRT Green Line Development Planning, Calgary AB

Coriolis is part of the team selected for design and station area planning for the proposed new southeast extension of Calgary’s LRT system. Coriolis will be assisting in confirming station locations and outlining conceptual development plans for stations that are identified as good candidates for Transit Oriented Development (TOD).

LRT Station Planning, Surrey BC

Coriolis is assisting the City of Surrey in evaluating potential for transit oriented development (TOD) and higher density urban development at station locations on proposed LRT lines extending from Surrey City Centre to South Surrey and to Langley.

Transportation Infrastructure Funding Strategies

Coriolis is working with TransLink on the evaluation of potential new innovative strategies for funding future investment in rapid transit infrastructure.

Community Amenity Contribution Policy

Coriolis is working with several municipalities, including District of North Vancouver, New Westminster, Victoria, Squamish, and Vancouver, to refine density bonus and CAC policy in the light of the recently published Provincial guidelines for CACs.

Athabaska University, Alberta – Long Range Development Plan

Coriolis has been selected by Athabasca University in Alberta to prepare a long range development plan for the University’s extensive land holdings. The development plan will incorporate opportunities for commercial, residential, industrial, and research uses.